• So the first full day in Tokyo started at about 10:30am, a long ass day was had travelling to Tokyo so we took the much-needed chance to grab some sleep.

    The first thing on the agenda was to get to the Kamata Inn hotel which was going to be our base for the next few weeks, we stayed at the Quintessa Hotel on the first night due to a change in flights and no room at the Kamata Inn.

    It was around a 20 min walk to the Kamata Inn, it was chilly but dry so a winner in my book, I think the walk eventually took 35 minutes as Chris had to stop and take a picture of everything, I can’t complain as between us there is always something one of us manages to capture and makes it worthwhile.

    We were super early to check-in so we left our bags and set about our day, the hotel was only a short walk approx 10 minutes to the Kamata Train Station, it is a great place to grab a brew and a small bite to eat should you fancy it. Of course, a brew was on the cards for me and Chris needed the loo so I parked my rear in Starbucks and enjoyed my brew until his return.

    We both agreed that Shibuya Crossing was the day’s venture and this was a short journey by train with a change to the JY line from the JK, these trains are nothing like the UK, clean and quiet. Nobody makes calls, there is no eating or drinking on the train, so it is nice to just sit and relax. At each stop at each station there are a few different melodies that play on the platform, look out for them if you go.

    So for the Shibuya crossing you need to take the South Gate exit which brings you out next to the crossing, we both opted for the Sky Tower Observation deck which would give us a 360-degree view of Tokyo and the crossing. It never failed to deliver and we picked a great day to do it as the weather held out for us, dry and sunny.

    Chris and I made a few mistakes by walking to the corners of the floors and taking pictures not realizing people were queuing to do this, we of course made our apologies and swiftly moved on. The view really was cracking and you could see for miles, it really does show how built up Tokyo is.


    After leaving the Sky Tower we made our way to the 11th floor, I was gagging for another brew, the place was heaving and Chris went to find a seat whilst I ordered, he bagged us both a seat so I sat for a while and took in the surroundings and people and enjoyed my brew. After about 20 minutes we left and went to walk over the crossing, something we both wanted to do before we even left the UK.

    I have never seen so many people use a crossing before, it’s crazy. Chris and I both walked over taking pics as did a lot of people and then we cracked out the action cameras to record the crossing etc. Still cannot believe we have actually walked over this, it’s crazy. After this, it was time to have a look around and grab some food.

    Chris was torn between McDonald’s and Burger King, in the end, Burger King won and he bought a large Whopper Meal for just over £4, which is crazy when you think of how much this costs in the UK. I never fancied this and said to Chris I would grab something different. We left Burger King and took in a few more sights of the different shops and what they were selling, Chris managed to get another fridge magnet, he’s a collector and always tries to pick one up whenever he goes somewhere.

    We spent another hour walking about and I decided that I wanted to grab some food for myself, I noticed a Ramen shop and said that’s where I wanted to go, when we went inside we both noticed the shop didn’t smell great and I brushed this off and still made my order. Chris and I both sat at the bar and I reached for the jug to pour myself a glass of water. On pouring it I managed to spill a little on the counter, so I reached for the cloth and started to wipe it up. To my right I could see something moving out of the corner of my eye and I instantly knew what it was, I looked and it was a “COCKROACH”

    I instantly froze, anyone who knows me knows I have a real issue with them and, well, just NO!!!! Chris was like, what’s wrong, I said look at that, I said right that’s it I ain’t doing this. There was no way I was eating there, I called out to the cook and I was leaving and he didn’t understand so the young lady came over and asked what was wrong and I pointed out the roach that was happy going about its business on the worktop.

    The lady never flinched and said something to the cook and was surprised he had the same reaction, with this though the lady gave me a refund, and we both left. I have to say I got the shivers thinking about it and that I could have been eating there erghhhhhhh. Well sufficed to say I ended up at the 7-Eleven and bought myself some food from there (EGG Sandwich) so all good.

    Chris wanted to capture some more shots of us at the crossing so we headed back there and this time we both did several crossings stopping halfway through the crossing to take selfies and pictures of each other. By this time it had got dark and the neon lights lit up the sky and the city at our feet, it made for some great pictures and we made sure we got everyone we could.


    The day was drawing to a close and we still hadn’t checked in so we caught the train and headed back to the Kamata Inn, we reached the hotel at about 22:00 and I was a little nervous about what the room would be like as we had this for the next 3 weeks. On entering I was relieved, the room was clean and tidy of a good standard, the only downside was the bathroom was tiny but fully functioning, and good water pressure on the shower which is a must.

    On the whole, it’s been a great first day even with the cockroach fiasco, and I’m very much looking forward to the rest of the adventure.